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Major Market Intelligence Libraries

Forecast International offers an assortment of product libraries tailored to meet the distinctive needs of clients at an affordable price.
Forecast International's market research reports set the industry standard for accurate research, analysis, and projections. These services present a concise analysis of individual programs and their relationship to the respective market sectors. Each service includes in-depth program reviews, detailed statistics, recent developments and a competitive analysis, culminating in a 10 to 15 year production forecast — a key to mastering your particular market and unlocking its growth potential.

Civil & Military Library

Our Civil and Military Library is ideal for professionals who require diverse information on the global markets for Aviation Systems (both civil and military), Military Electronics, Naval Systems, Power Systems, Space Systems, and Weapons Systems. The International Military Markets services included within this library broaden this product's global outlook by presenting data on the defense budgets of nations throughout the world, supplemented by information on procurement opportunities.

Military Library

Our most comprehensive military library. As a subscriber you will receive Forecast International’s entire military product line in the format of your choice. The Aerospace Systems, Electronic Systems, Governments & Industries, Naval Systems, Power Systems, and Weapons Systems services within this library feature a series of individual reports with the most comprehensive military market coverage available.